Round 3
10 Words

Audio only

First, print this page.

Then, this page now before you on desk and monitor both,
Click on your monitor, in the left column, every word's sequence number:
This plays the word pronounced out loud. Repeat as many times as you like.
Then Spell the word in the far-right column of your printout.

Scores are cumulative.  Give yourself a point for each correct spelling.




1 To gather military information by inspecting an area.
2 A dog’s large lip flaps, especially a bloodhound’s.
3 A water diviner.  A dowser.
4 A disease of the hairs, in which they stand erect, like porcupine quills.
5 A hypothetical lower order of humans who have no speech.
6 One who has no shadow.  An inhabitant of the torrid zone, who twice a year have the sun directly overhead at noon.
7 The inability to recognize people by their faces.
8 Realm.  Also: A country house’s acreage.  Also: Possession and use of one’s own land.
9 Railroad sleeping cars.
10 Specks, dots, threads, beads, or circles that appear to float before the eyes.

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